Thursday, December 13, 2007

Max Boot of Commentary Magazine Boils Down His View on Immigration To Its Globalist Essence

Get used to it America: your new servants--and your new masters--will be immigrants. So says Max Boot,, who is a Fellow at The Council on Foreign Relations in New York City. To such Manhattanites, zooming over the rest of us, lofted ever upward by a jet stream of tax-deductible foundation money, such humdrum issues as legality, and opportunity for home-grown Americans--well, such issues are too small to worry about, or even take seriously. Legal, schmegal--what’s the big whoop-dee-doo diff?

Actually, Max, the twinned issues of legality and security make all the difference, all the difference in the world. That was the lesson of the immigration battle last spring. And a headline in The Politico newspaper today reads as follows: "Immigration reshapes politics everywhere." That's not Tom Tancredo talking, that's the voice of a Beltway newspaper, dedicated to campaigns and elections, with no discernible political ideology.

A Sovereign America should make the decisions for itself as to who comes here. Through an open, transparent, small "d" democratic process, in which the people make informed decisions as to what's best for their homeland security. Is that so unreasonable? Other countries enforce their border laws and build walls to defend themselves when they need to--America should do the same.

But here's Boot, blogging for Commentary magazine, dripping with contempt for the Republican Party and the people in it:

To be sure, Republicans claim to be all in favor legal immigration; it is only illegal immigration they claim to oppose. But the reality is that a lot of undocumented immigrants are also making a positive contribution to this country. In any case, the distinction between legal and illegal quickly gets lost in the debate, when a lot of the leading Republicans sound like they’re simply aggravated by too many foreigners coming here.

Keep it up, guys, if you want to lose the votes of Latinos—and those of our newest CEO’s.

Some might wonder: Isn't Commentary supposed to be a conservative magazine? Maybe, but it's got it share of globalist neoconservatives, who are anything but conservative.

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