Friday, December 28, 2007

"Huckabee: U.S. Should Monitor Pakistanis Coming into Country"

I know that some have their doubts, but it seems to me that Mike Huckabee gets it. What does he get? He gets the importance of enhancing border security and protecting American Sovereignty:

ABC News' Kevin Chupka reports: During a press conference Thursday night in West Des Moines, Iowa, former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee suggested that after the assassination of former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, the United States should, "have an immediate, very clear monitoring of our border, and particularly to make sure, if there's any unusual activity of Pakistanis coming into the country. We just need to be very very thorough in looking at every aspect of our own security internally."

That's exactly the right reaction. Yes, it's a terrible tragedy, what happened in Pakistan. And yes we should worry about what happens over there, 10,000 miles away. But even more, much more, we should tend to our own security here. In the days and weeks ahead, every pundit in the country is going to be weighing in on the situation in Pakistan. And that's fine.

But amidst all that punditifying, what we really need is a president who will make sure that we are safe and secure here at home.

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